Python for Beginners pdf free download, dummies, commands, examples, NumPy, SciPy, for Data Scientist, Data Analyst and Data Engineers.


Reusable Define Function with Return

Python 2D Lists and Nested Loops Examples

Python exception handling using
try except with examples

Python For Loop condition with examples

Python while condition with examples

Python if elif else logical condition

Python Tuples vs List

Python Translator with Examples

Python List Functions with Examples

Data Structures and Data Types

Python Exponent Function with examples

Python dictionary with examples

Variables, Expressions & Statements

List of 'Reserved Words' in Python

Boolean Expressions &
Comparison Operators

Python reusable define function and return with examples code

Define Function:

Collection of code which performs a specific task. Definition Function starts with ‘def’.
Function is very commonly used coding technique in Python. In real time scenarios, the python application (or) python data pipeline is developed using one or more python Functions.



def name_age(name, age):
===>print("You are " + name + " at age " + age)

name_age("John", "30")


You are John at age 30

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Python 2D Lists and Nested Loops with examples

Python 2D Lists and Nested Loops:

Example 1:

number_grid = [
===>[1, 2, 3],
===>[4, 5, 6],
===>[7, 8, 9],

for row in number_grid:
===>for col in row:



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Python exception handling using try except with examples

Example 1:
===>number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
===>print("Invalid Number")

First Result:
Enter a number: 9

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Python For Loop condition with examples

Python For Loop Condition Definition:

When there is a need to loop through a set of things such as a list of words (or) the lines in a file. In this case we can construct a definite loop using a for statement.

The key difference between ‘While’ condition and ‘For Loop’:

while statement is an indefinite loop because it simply loops until some condition becomes False.

for loop is looping through a known set of items so it runs through as many iterations as there are items in the set.

Example 1:
friends = ["John", "Kevin", "Karen"]
for friend in friends:


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What is Python While condition explain with examples

Python While Condition Definition:

In while loop the target code execution takes place until the condition used is TRUE.


i = 1
while i <= 10:
===>i += 1

print("Loop completed")

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Python if elif else logical condition with examples

if elif else conditional statement:

Python IF condition helps to develop code based on logical conditions. In general, taking some action based on some condition is ‘true’ or ‘false’ is possible to accomplish by IF ELIF ELSE condition.

Note: Whenever user enters input value, Python converts that in to ‘STRING’ by DEFAULT.

Example: Creating simple calculator using Python ‘IF’ condition

num1 = float(input("Enter first number: "))
op = input("Enter operator: ")
num2 = float(input("Enter second number: "))

if op == '+':
===>print(num1 + num2)
elif op == '-':
===>print(num1 - num2)
elif op == '/':
===>print(num1 / num2)
elif op == '*':
===>print(num1 * num2)
===>print("Invalid Operator")

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Python Tuples differences vs List

Tuples in Python:

It is a type of data structure. It is a container to store different values. Specially values that are immutable.

Example 1:

Coordinates = (3, 6)

Example 2:

Users = (“hello1”, “simple”, 10, “john”, 50.45)

Example 3 ('List' of 'Tuples'):

Multi_coordinates = [(2, 3), (5, 7), (4,9)]

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Python Translator with examples

Python Translator:

Option 1:

def translate(phrase):
===>translation = ""
===>for letter in phrase:
======>if letter in "AEIOUaeiou":
=========>translation = translation + "g"
=========>translation = translation + letter
===>return translation

print(translate(input("Enter phrase: ")))


Enter phrase: dog

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Python Translator:

Option 1:

def translate(phrase):
===>translation = ""
===>for letter in phrase:
======>if letter in "AEIOUaeiou":
=========>translation = translation + "g"
=========>translation = translation + letter
===>return translation

print(translate(input("Enter phrase: ")))


Enter phrase: dog

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Python List Functions:


• index
• extend
• append
• insert
• remove
• clear
• pop
• count
• sort
• reverse
• copy

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Python Data Structures and Data Types

Integers int Whole numbers, such as 1, 2, 10, 20, 30, 35...
Floating point float Numbers with decimal points: 3.5, 2.3, 10.95, 200.75...
Strings str Ordered sequence of characters: "apple", "bike", "house", "32457", hello123"...
Lists list Ordered sequence of objects (these are mutable): ["Apples", 100, "street123", 500.75]
Tuples tup Ordered sequence of objects (these are immutable): ("Oranges", 500, "best123", 700.35)
Dictonaries dict Unordered Key:Value pairs: {"thekey":"thevalue","fruit":"oranges","autos":"cars"}
Sets set Unordered collection of unique objects: {"apple", "mango", "orange"}
Booleans bool Logical value indicating True or False

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Python Exponent Function Definition:

If you code: print(2**4), this will give the result as: 16.

How to build exponent functions:

Example 1:

def raise_to_power(base_number, power_number):
===>result = 1
===>for index in range(power_number):
======>result = result * base_number
===>return result

print(raise_to_power(2, 4))



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Python Dictionary Definition:

Dictionary is collection of key and value pairs. These key value pairs need not be in any specific order. But dictionaries mutable and indexed.

Example: Creating Month Conversion using Dictionary concept

monthConversions = {
===>"Jan": "January",
===>"Feb": "February",
===>"Mar": "March",
===>"Apr": "April",
===>"May": "May",
===>"Jun": "June",
===>"Jul": "July",
===>"Aug": "August",
===>"Sep": "September",
===>"Oct": "October",
===>"Nov": "November",
===>"Dec": "December"

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What is variable

It is a place where we can store values. Instead of using the values directly, we can refer the variable name where the actual values are stored.

> x = 2 === > here X is Variable
> name = 'John' === > here NAME is variable

What is Expression

It contains values, variables and operators.

> 10
> x
> y = x + 10

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Boolean Expression in Python

Boolean Expression helps in confirming True OR False given a comparison.

> 4 == 4
> 6 == 2

True AND False are not strings. They belong to type bool.
We can validate the type by using the following example code. > type(True)
type 'bool'
> type(False)
type 'bool'

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